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Did Jesus Promise the Thief On The Cross a Free Ticket to Heaven? You Shall Be With Me in Paradise

UCG Raleigh
UCG Raleigh - 276 Views
Published on 24 Apr 2022 / In

When Jesus said "you shall be with me in paradise" to the thief on the cross. Was Hes really promising him a place in heaven?

Such a promise would have been contrary to the Word of God! Jesus was really giving the thief on the cross the truth of the resurrection planned for all who have ever lived and died as described in Revelation 20:5.

Elsewhere your bible says that no man has ascended to heaven except the resurrected Christ. Aren't these two teachings contradictory?

Listen to this message for a detailed explanation of this subject.

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If you want to explore this subject as a personal study of your own, request a copy of WHAT HAPPENS AFTER DEATH? Start learning more about what God’s word really says on the matter in the pages of your own bible. You might be in for a surpise!

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